Thank you for all of your amazing support with the launch of the Roma Cultural Centre!

We've been blown away by all the fantastic support and so pleased to see so many people enjoying the centre.

We have had a really busy first month opening, with the launch of the centre, a book launch with Annette Street Primary (keep a look out for details on how to buy the amazing folktales book 'We Tell Stories'!) and the Festival of Social Action!

Our staff have worked really hard in the months leading up to opening,  and with July being the month many people go on holiday, we will be taking a break, and the centre will be closed until the 19th of July, with reduced opening hours until August where we will be back operating at full capacity.

From the 19th - end of July we will be open on Fridays from 12-3pm, and Saturdays from 1-4pm

We hope that wherever you are, you get to enjoy and relax in some summer rays, and we'll see you very soon!